Archivos mensuales: February 2011

It’s Valentine’s Day in Latin America

If in many countries in the region (Latin America) the term San Valentin is now used more so than El día de los enamorados, in many others the latter is primarily used. This year almost 80% of tweets (of a total of 21 896 tweets) in Spanish referred to the day as San Valentin. Taking [...]

Mubarak and the fade-out effect

A while ago I mentioned a metric called Fade out that we’re using at Socialmetrix to measure the impact of a news item. This metric measures the rate at which the interest in a news item fades over time (in this case interest is measured by the numbers of tweets the item generates). In this [...]


“Socialmetrix Echo has allowed us to analyze the results of our actions and releases, to understand our users reactions to them and to improve our messages in order to communicate with them in the most appropriate way.”

— Ignacio Sbampato, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer at ESET

“Socialmetrix allowed us to approach and learn much more about our customers and thus about ‘our customers´ customers’, optimizing results in a much more efficient manner. It is an easy-to-use and very complete tool.”

— Alejandro DiPaola, CEO at DiPaola

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