Contact Us

Socialmetrix wants to listen to you. After all, our success lies in providing companies with the tools to listen to their customers and get to know them better.







Phone numbers

US: +1 914 840 5631
AR: +54 11 5984 1204
BR: +55 11 3048 4144
CL: +56 2 938 1822
COL: +57 1 3819620
MX: +52 55 5284 2894


Buenos Aires
Bonpland 1248 – 1º ‘C’ (C1414CML)
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mexico City
Monte Pelvoux No. 111 Piso 2, Suite 46
Lomas de Chapultepec
México 11000, D.F.

São Paulo
Av. Dr. Chucri Zaidan, 920 – 9o. andar
Market Place Torre I
Morumbi, CEP: 04583-904


“Socialmetrix Echo has allowed us to analyze the results of our actions and releases, to understand our users reactions to them and to improve our messages in order to communicate with them in the most appropriate way.”

— Ignacio Sbampato, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer at ESET

“Socialmetrix allowed us to approach and learn much more about our customers and thus about ‘our customers´ customers’, optimizing results in a much more efficient manner. It is an easy-to-use and very complete tool.”

— Alejandro DiPaola, CEO at DiPaola

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