Next Monday September 26th at Multiespacio Darwin (San Isidro, Buenos Aires) IAB Now, one of the most important events about interactive advertising will take place and Socialmetrix will be there, as one of the sponsors.

Under the slogan “The future is never as we imagine. Come to understand today before your brand is retro”, IAB Now aims to explore on current events and global trends in interactive advertising, and the opportunities that new models of communication in digital media offer to brands.

International experts from Yahoo! Labs, Google, Microsoft Latin America, Agencia Click Isobar, Vostu, Diageo and Croma Marketing Solutions will participate as speakers. The journalist Juan Pablo Varsky and Santiago Bilinkis (founder of Officenet) will provide inspirational talks.

Tickets for IAB NOW are limited. For registration and information:, by phone at (5411) 4328-9752 or by e-mail at

See you there!