Dossier published a very interesting summary of Esomar’s Global Market Research Report which contains very good news about market research and the importance it has on information acquisition in Latin America.

For some time, market information was regarded as an expense; many companies accepted the commonly-held beliefs of leading businesses with respect to this, and operated accordingly. Today, information is regarded as a strategic investment and it continues to grow in Latin American.

A few interesting quotes:

“Esomar’s Global Market Research Report confirms the reduction in earnings generated by activity in 10 of the primary 25 markets. However, many Latin American countries are experiencing good and in some cases even strong market growth.”

“The region of Latin America had the best performance, and saw an increase in growth rates from 2007. The region grew at a rate of 5.6 percent after taking inflation into consideration (13.4 percent with inflation). Argentina, Peru and Panama showed double-digit profits after adjusting for inflation. The once prospering Asia Pacific region saw a decrease in growth rates with an inter-annual growth rate of 6.3 percent and only 2.1 percent after adjusting for inflation. Even so, Asia Pacific performed better than the majority of other regions.”

Here’s a link to the report: